Artinvest licensed galleries
For artworks or NFTs purchased from the Avantgarde Gallery or an Artinvest licensed art dealer, you will receive a blockchain Artinvest certificate at no extra cost according to art historical evaluations of the innovations manifested in the work. Artinvest licensed galleries have completed an art formula course on the evaluation of innovations in art, the level of creation of innovations in form and content and their weighting in art history for the evaluation of Objective World Art and Subjective Decorative Art (innovations in art history = creative features with recognisable level of creation in form and content compared to all other works and epochs in the history of art and the evolution of man).
Art is always innovation. This has been confirmed by court rulings in 100s of thousands of trials on art (music, literature as well as the fine arts and all other arts) and non-art or decoration by judges in all countries. There is a simple initial question about the work of art: WHERE and WHAT are the art-historically empirically documented innovations in the work at hand?
Artinvest galleries break through the omerta (omerta = mafia's duty of silence) of the art trade and answer the question: what is art. They establish a Second Renaissance in the populations by spreading the art formula.
Works of art with Artinvest certificate guarantee investment security for the art buyer and collector.
Ask in the galleries for the art-historically proven innovations in the exhibited art objects or for an "Artinvest art certificate" for the artworks.
Licensed Artinvest galleries:
1. give you a photo of the work and explain the art historically proven innovations in the work.
2. have researched the work with the artist's name and his achieved and proven innovations in art history, in the published texts, pictures and statements about the artist's works on the internet itself,
3 Give you the year of the artist's creation with the first documented innovation in art history,
4 Compare for you the innovations of the artist's work with the innovations in art history and the first publication dates in all media,
5. search for publications about the artist's innovations in art encyclopaedias or with a Google research on the artist and document them for you,
6. evaluate the artwork according to the art-historically documented innovations with the art formula.
7. if you want to evaluate the offered work of art art-historically yourself, with its innovations, the gallery owner explains to you the art-historically proven simple graphic art formula and encourages you to read the PDF book "Kunsträtsel gelöst" (The Art Formula by Dieter Liedtke at: so that you can recognise art-historically significant works yourself, independently of the gallery, and build up a fortune through objective works of art.
The exceptional artist Dieter Liedtke
Dieter Walter Liedtke, who is compared by art historians as an artist-philosopher with Leonardo da Vinci, Hegel, Einstein and Heisenberg, can also be described with his works as an unprecedented manifestation in art history of the symbiosis of the four exceptional researchers who are best described and documented in history. Liedtke's works solve the riddles of lost cultures, art, neurobiology, epigenetics and sociology and show new ways of a positive and ethical future for a growing world population and its environment. In his works he developed the thoughts of the 17th century philosopher Spinoza to revolutionary scientific formulas in order to clarify the question with his artworks why the universe or a creative force exist eternally, how energy and matter come into being and how creative force (= information) can be transformed into space, time, gravitation, energy and matter, but these are not lost as information. With his series of works: "Reduction of the World to a Foirmel", he also develops decodings for a general theory of creation or information, a conservation law of information as well as a formula for an ethical form of society without exploitation and wars.
At the age of 78, Dieter Liedtke has decided to participate in the art market as an art historian, art theorist, art creator, researcher and philosopher with his works in order to use the example of his works to reveal to the arts, artists and art mediators their evolutionary significance for the transport of creativity in humanity, their actual status (hitherto occupied with five taboos that hinder creativity and evolution) and thus to pave the way for a Second Enlightenment through art. Liedtke is donating his artworks, NFTs and Artinvest Coins to the non-profit Fundacion Liedtke in Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, with the stipulation that the sales proceeds be used for the construction of Globalpeace Campus Centres and museums, and that the exhibition: i = E = MC2 be lent to museums so that the path for a new ethical and sustainable world in peace and freedom becomes possible in a timely Second Enlightenment.
Kunst als Kapitalanlage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Works of art that are certified with the "Artivest Guarantee" as works of art history and thus as capital investments receive sustainable securities and guarantees for the capital investor through the certificate. This brings about a new direct arrangement of profits in favour of the art buyers and investors, beyond the profit skimming systems and the valuation uncertainties in the art buyer market: what is art or decoration, new sustainable incomes and fortunes in the middle of the population as well as a better distribution of wealth in society by unlocking creativity and health in a short time.
Kunstwerk buy-back guarantee with 300% return profit-
The Artinvest licensed galleries, specially trained with the art formula, for the first time provide the art customer and collector with art buy-back guarantees for objective artworks as a capital investment, with up to 300% profit or 400% of the artwork purchase price.
The licensed Artinvest galleries sell, in addition to their offer of subjective art, also objective art works of world art with an Artinverst certificate of class A, AA or AAA and can offer their art buyers a buy-back guarantee for objective art works with a lighthouse and special PR function at a buy-back price of 200% up to 400% of the purchase price as an art capital investment for 10, 20 or 30 years, at 1.93% annual premium of the purchase price. For this purpose, Fundacion Liedtke grants gallery licences for works of art to selected art dealers who thus also gain access to the art-historically documented "Artinvest Expert Opinions" with their art buyback/return guarantees of 100 to 400%.
Licence request: I would like to become an Artinvest art dealer for art-secured crypto-coins, art NFTs and objective artworks with an art-historical Artinvest expert opinion as well as with a 400% repurchase guarantee of the work's purchase price from the repurchase guarantor Fundacion Liedtke (artworks as a secured capital investment) and help shape a Second Renaissance.
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