NFTs of contemporary world artworks with art-historical innovations (objective art) that have
been coupled with the copyright of the original artwork through blockchain in a forgery-proof
manner and through their global legally secure transfer options are suitable as capital
investments. If the Blockchain contract for the NFT contains a private use licence for the
physical presentation of the NFT, in addition to the Blockchain-secured NFTs as a capital
investment, equipping the workplace and home with the artworks as well as for the physical
collection of art NFTs in various presentation dimensions is suitable.
Through Nft artworks, anyone can become Leonardo da Vinci. Liedtke proves: New works of
art, theories and thoughts chart new paths in research and art for the discovery of knowledge
as well as for new innovative works of art. History and research document the evolution of
societies needs the impulses from the arts and vice versa for further intuition and new
thinking by philosophers, inventors, researchers and artists. Therefore, the owner of NFT can
further develop the knowledge in the NFT-work or print it out in different sizes in order to
supplement it with his knowledge FROM THE INFORMATION OF THE WORK (in text,
picture, photo, film, computer or a video art action) with his own new information and thus
create further works of art with innovations. Because everyone who produces creative
information is a Leonardo da Vinci (see Leonardo's works of art and 1000s of his drawings)
who said about this important part of the creative process of the further development of one's
own evolution: "Seeing and knowing is the same".
The former director of the Städel and Schirn Museums in Frankfurt and current director of
the Metropolitan Museum in New York (Met) Max Hollein in the daily FAZ in Germany:
"Just think what a special relationship can be created between artist and buyer. The buyer
can purchase a work that is in digital space and that the artist may continue to develop for
years to come. You can imagine it like a diary that changes depending on the mood."
Wikipedia excerpt
Non-fungible token
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a "cryptographically unique, indivisible, irreplaceable and
verifiable token that represents a specific item, whether digital or physical, in a
blockchain."[1][2] While NFTs use the same technology with the blockchain as
cryptocurrencies, unlike the latter they are unique and non-divisible (non-fungible). An NFT
can only be acquired as a whole and exists only once - unlike the possibility of acquiring, for
example, 0.05 Bitcoin, where it does not matter for the value in which one acquires a share
(in January 2022, more than 18 million Bitcoin existed).[3]
Non-fungible tokens can be used where virtual goods are to be assigned a label. In doing so,
they can be collected and traded as proof of certain rights to the objects themselves. This
applies, for example, to digital art, music or individual objects in computer games. They are
especially used in or form the basis for DApps.
Trading with NFTs takes place on trading platforms. These execute the transactions on the
basis of the blockchain or a cheaper intermediate layer (sidechains).[9] This requires
identification of the buyers and sellers in the form of their cryptowallets. As with all
blockchain applications, the protection of one's own wallet is essential and its loss a
fundamental risk.
As a rule, the trading platform on which the artworks are offered assigns the object and the
NFT to each other. The trading platform may use the NFT transaction to represent certain
ownership or usage rights to the digital object linked to it. The NFT itself does not consist of
the traded object, such as an image or audio file, but for example of a URL to the storage
location of the file linked to it. Which rights to the object a buyer acquires depends on the
respective agreement.[10]
Nils Buske writes about NFTs in the German business newspaper "Handelsblatt" on 21
March 2022:
"What is an NFT?"
"NFTs are non-fungible tokens. Translated, this means tokens that cannot be exchanged or
replaced. The owner of an NFT is certified via a so-called smart contract. The latter is based -
like cryptocurrencies - on a blockchain, i.e. a digital data protocol. This makes it possible to
transparently track who currently owns the unique item and when it changed hands. NFTs
therefore function as a kind of digital proof of ownership or authenticity.
NFT-Art: Why are NFTs so common in art?
The technology behind NFTs can solve a variety of problems that the art market has
struggled with for decades. For example, countless forgeries of artworks still change hands.
Here, an NFT acts as a kind of guarantee of authenticity. The tokens can represent both
digital and analogue works of art. The exorbitant sums that sometimes flow into NFTs are
demonstrated by the most expensive NFT in the world to date. A digital work of art by the
US artist Mike Winkelmann, "Everydays: the First 5000 Days", fetched a whopping 69.3
million dollars.
Buy NFT: How safe and sustainable are NFTs?
From an investor's point of view, NFTs enable a whole new asset class. For example, experts
at the US bank Goldman Sachs estimated the market volume at 17 billion dollars in October
2021. In 2020, according to the market research website, it was still around
340 million dollars. In 2022, NFTs will finally reach the mainstream, according to forecasts.
Despite rosy future prospects, buyers should consider the purchase risk. If demand and hype
for a property decline, the NFT can rapidly lose value."
NFT buy-back guarantees with up to 300% profit
For NFTs with Artinvest Guarantees from A to AAA ratings, the same
conditions for Repurchase Value Guarantees apply as for artworks with
Value Increase and Repurchase Guarantees.
The following always applies: for repurchase value guarantees with a profit of
100 to 300%, a repurchase yield guarantee profit contract must be
concluded by the buyer with the purchase of the NFT with the Artinvest
Guarantee Trust in Uruguay as a capital investment (see also the link:
300% yield guarantee).