With the art-historically based innovation certificate Artinvest, the art
formula creates a new market for works of objective art that document
innovations and an evolution in art history, comprehensible to everyone.
Art is innovation: The Artinvest expert opinion and the art formula separate
art from imitation, decoration, non-art and subjective art (which only
represents a new subjective view of the viewer). With the guidelines of the
Artinvest Certificate, capital investment security in the art market, with
guaranteed returns, is disclosed to the broad public for the first time. The
high increases in value for objective works of art are no longer skimmed off
by the omerta (the Mafia´s duty of secrecy) as to what art is, by a few art
trade insiders and those who know the art formula ABC, but can be
realised by everyone.
The understanding of art in the population brings an exponentially growing
art market with high art work returns to which all people have access.
The new Artinvest Certificate brings future capital security to the art
market over generations.
Certified art from 1945 onwards is one of the best investments and even
in times of crisis it is safer, more private and better than real estate,
shares, bond funds and gold.
How is it possible that works of art that were previously only the best objects
of return for collectors, art historians and museums become safe
investments for society? The secret code that turns art into a guaranteed
return object, even for small capital investments, is the graphic Hegel
dialectic formula by Dieter Liedtke, which decodes the works for everyone in
a comprehensible way and divides them into subjective art (non-art work
and decoration) and objective art (art-historically significant work with
scientifically empirically proven innovations), which are equipped with an
Artinvest certificate and a work of art guarantee.
Studies on the global art price development
Documentation on 5,000,000 art auctions in 700 international auction houses
shows that works of art created from 1945 onwards were auctioned off at an
average of about 11 times the purchase price in the period under review from
1985 to 2015 (30 years). In the same period, gold only brought an increase in
value of approx. 300%.
The analogy to the book market
The art trade monopoly in the art market that has existed until now can be
compared to the knowledge monopoly of books in the 15th century. Only a
very few people could read or understand books, and they had an advantage
because they knew the ABCs. Today's enormous book market, with billions of
books sold every year, was only made possible by the invention of printing
and the Internet, because the ABCs, reading and writing and the stored and
newly developed knowledge were brought to the people. Knowledge is
shared and increased through the ABC and through books (today also
through the internet), so that all people, seen globally, have become
healthier and more prosperous in the last 20 years.
A far greater and faster revolution, like that of the book market, is in store for
the art market for objective art, which until today has been sealed off by the
art trade, with the dissemination of the ABCs of Art (the art formula), since
through the communication of the ABCs of Art, everyone can scientifically,
empirically document what art is. With the ABC of Art formula, art has arrived
as a capital investment in the broad business world for the first time.
Objective art secures the future
With the Hegel-Liedtke graphic formula, art can be understood and
recognised by everyone, as well as being used as a safe investment with high
returns for old-age security.
With the opening of the art market through the art formula, returns on
Objective Art works created from 1945 onwards will continue to rise.
Build wealth with art investment from 5 US dollars
New art-created assets spread across and within the population are being
built, enabling wealth creation and savings plans with small amounts as low
as US$5 through the Artinvest Gararatie Coins (AGC).
The art-historically documented innovations in Liedtke's works
The innovations in his works document for the first time in cultural history
that his works anticipated Nobel Prizes by decades and document, as with
his predecessor the Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, that art and
research are one and the same and innovation. After 500 years, his works and
their innovations once again open up the view of art for the evolution of
societies and secure the works a firm place in art history with an average
increase in value of 1100% in 30 years.
Basic research through works of art
Dieter Liedtke´s works of art have repeatedly been described by art historians
as the works of a new Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein or Hegel's philisophy
made figurative. For the first time in art history, Liedtke's works, through
Nobel Prizes awarded to scientists, confirmed the findings of his works
created decades earlier. Liedtke also conducts basic research using art as a
research instrument. With the revolutionary basic research theories and
formulas manifested through and in his works, he opens up new paths to a
better future for mankind and the world around us.
1000-fold increase in value and price
If Liedtke´s revolutionary basic theories, formulas and the "General
Information Theory: i = E = MC 2" are empirically confirmed and used in the
natural sciences, the humanities and by basic research, the art-historical and
collector´s value of Liedtke´s works of art will increase 1000-fold beyond the
predicted 11-fold purchase price, and the high returns will create new
fortunes in the population.
The art formula allows museums, collectors and the media to re-evaluate
and innovate. As a result, the arts, artists and culture in general, as well as the
demand for subjective and objective art, are experiencing an
unprecedented boom as the art market opens up to all members of
Works of art with Artinvest appraisal
The art historical evaluation of Liedtke´s works according to the innovations
and creativity in the respective work, which are evaluated with an Artinvest
expert opinion with the ratings A, AA or AAA as objective works of art (world
works of art), are prepared by art historians of the Fundacion Liedtke and
superlegalised by art historians with expertise in contemporary art in
museums. Art experts and philosophers describe Dieter Liedtke as a
successor and new Leonardo da Vinci and place him in the
Könnenbewusstsein of Hegel, Joseph Beuys and Albert Einstein.
A new step in art history and the valuation of works of art The value of
Liedtke's works has been assessed by knowledge of the research,
innovations and level of creation in the works by himself, under strict art
historical criteria and according to the Artinvest appraisal and in
comparison to Leonardo da Vinci´s works (including the 10 Key Works to
a New Way of Thinking, each of which is valued at over one billion US
dollars and thus represent the 10 most valuable contemporary works and
art collection in art history) to be approximately 14 billion US dollars
The art historical innovations in his works lead to a new world
The historical significance of Liedtke´s artworks was proven by the
innovations in his works, which anticipated Nobel Prizes in art history by
decades, and in the overall concept of the exhibition i = E = MC 2
show for the first time social paths for a better future for all people. His
epoch-spanning works of natural and basic research document a new
expanded view of art, nature and social systems that will bring about
ethical social systems through a Second Enlightenment through more
creativity in the populations, an abolition of the exploitation of man and
nature as well as the millennia-old sabotage of the natural evolution of
The Liedtke Sculpture Museum In Puerto de Andratx Mallorca.
The Liedtke Museum was built by Liedtke as a homage to Michelangelo
in the form of a brain, who first depicted the spirit of man as God's cloak
in the Sistine Chapel.
Globalpeace Campus
The inventor artist Liedtke donates all proceeds from the sale of "
Artworks, NFTs and Artinvest Guarantee Coins" for the construction of
Globalpeace Campus Centres.
Tour Museum